Sunday, January 4, 2009

Home Sweet Home... again

Yeah!! Becki FINALLY came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon and is so excited to be able to sleep in her own bed. Her numbers are doing a lot better than the doctors even thought she would at this point. Some are actually higher than they were a year ago!! Wahoo!
Despite the good levels she is still feeling the effects of chemo though. It has been a rough couple of weeks and she needs lots of reminders of why she is doing all this. Brett and Jess took Nathan and Tyler down to visit Grandma Becki through her window this afternoon and it couldn't have been better timing. Becki was so thrilled to see her precious grandbabies. She misses them and everyone else so much. Hopefully each day will bring a little more health and these next few months will fly by!

(Nathan is sitting right by me while I type this and he really wanted me to write some stuff for his Grandma Becki.) I love grandma Becki! Grandma Becki loves Ty Guy. Grandma Becki loves me too. I want Grandma Becki to feel better and feel good so she can play with me forever and two hundred days.


Dawn said...

Keep fighting, Becki!! It will all be worth it! We pray for some relief for you.

To your husband and children,
I remember our prayers for our mom. At first, we prayed for a cure. Then slowly we just wanted some relief for her- a good nights rest, a 20 minute nap. Funny how we want the big miracle and then we are just happy to see our mom out of pain and misery for just a few minutes. (Although, deep down, we always wanted the miracle more :) )

We learned, as you are seeing, that Mom's are fighters and they are stronger than we realize. But we also learned that we are strong too. You, too, are stronger than you realize.

Know that OUR family prays for your mom but we are also praying for you. We know cancer doesn't effect just the patient, but effects the entire family.

Hang in there!
Dawn Dorius Hall

Laurie said...

We are so grateful you are home- please know that our prayers are with you everyday- we hope you can feel a great big hug full of love from us....we love you! The Hahn's
Brian-Laurie & kids