Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Its been a while...

Becki has slowly been regaining her strength but constantly dealing with all these horrid side effects. She still fights with dizziness, her intestinal track being all messed up, low blood pressure, etc. She curses the chemo drugs daily knowing that although they are killing the cancer, in a way they are slowly killing her. They are just so harsh on the body.
On a happier note, Becki has really made a huge effort to make the best of her situation. Kim surprised her with a week getaway to Hawaii in December. They had an absolute blast. She didn't have a ton of energy, but still had a wonderful time. When she left the nasty Utah inversion she had a deep cough she couldn't get rid of from a cold she had from the week before. Within a couple of hours of being in beautiful, humid Hawaii, the cough was gone and she felt much better. Here are a few pictures from the week:

They celebrated Kim's birthday at the Polynesian Cultural Center

Christmas was the week after they got home so they jumped right into the festivities of the season and stayed real busy. It was SO nice to have Becki around for Christmas this year. As most probably remember, Christmas was a scary one last year where Becki was in the ICU. We were so grateful to have her around and continue to make some memories.
We began our Christmas Day at Brett's house to be a part of the grandkid's gift experience.
Nathan and Tyler were just as excited to have Grandma around on Christmas.

Notice her sweet black eye? She fell and hit her head- not funny but she got a gnarly shiner out of it.

Becki is alway freezing now that she has no insulation on her bones... She got a nice and warm down Marmot coat for Christmas
Becki with her mother, Ruth

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well.

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